Monday, February 19, 2007


My fifth Year!

18 February 2007, marked my 5th year as a Concierge. Wow! It seems like just yesterday I was introduced to this profession. It wasn't by choice, as initially I applied and was interviewed for the post of Front Office Assistant, meaning to man the reception desk, but after 3 interview stages, I was earmarked to be hired as Concierge instead. Any regrets? Hell NO! I have enjoyed every single moment working as Concierge. It is really, no doubt at times, a challenging job, with funny requests and challenges from various guests from all walks of life, but it's never the same routine everyday. You'll never know what will happen on each shifts.

Through my 5 years, I have learnt so many new things about the city, both good and bad. Things that not many 'ordinary joes' would know or even care about. Some were even things that I never knew existed! I am now more streetwise, and ever more observant of my surroundings. I can't help it- you HAVE TO BE all this even if you do not want to be, as the expectation from guests is very, VERY high, especially when you are a Concierge in a 5-star city hotel.

Through this 5 years service too, I have made so many friends. Through my profession, I have the opportunity to interact directly with hotel guests from all around the world, in a way, learning about their culture, customs and common mannerisms. I even picked up a word or two in different languages. I have also had the chance to rub shoulders with various VIPs ranging from head of states, local and international artistes, right up to the high-end folks in the corporate world.

Personally, I feel that as a Concierge, I have become a more patient, tolerant and a confident person. How not to, when you deal with very high demanding guests who sometimes treat you like dirt. I have also realized that nowadays, wherever I go, I tend to make quick notes of phone numbers or addresses of various services ranging from tour companies, city attractions, right up to funny services like pool table suppliers, 24-hour masseur, real estate dealers etc. It's all stored in my mobile phone. You'll never know when a guest might drop by and request for it. Its always good to be prepared.

It always feels good when you have managed to help out guests when they are in distress, in any situation, missed flight, lost luggage, missing friends (!), long lost friend who had died in the war (!!), car breakdown, choosing a gift and many more! The more challenging the request, the more fun it is! It is also a great feeling when you're refered to by your friends and peers as the "Mr Know-It-All". Well, a concierge is of course, refered to as the "Jack of all Trades".

I don't really know how long though I will carry on being a Concierge. Where else can I find a job that requires me to try out new restaurants, try new activities and chit-chat with people from all over the world during work hours?

Now, of course, my aim at the moment is to get my "full keys" be certified as an International Concierge.....then, maybe I'd consider other offers...perhaps as Chef Concierge somewhere else? We'll see....only God knows.....Insya'Allah...

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